Senin, 14 September 2009

Everything for Your House @ ShopWiki

For every internet surfer, search engine is one of a weapon to find what they need. Meanwhile online store is website usually found in internet to search product. Wonder if search engine meet online store?

Directory tree is another thing to be consider. Search engine directory will ease surfer to search what they need faster. It means internet usage will be shortage and become a one important matter. As a faster internet usage, as a thinner bandwidth usage.

Two main advantages has described. Completeness and detail product is one thing that cannot be passed when entering a store. Like to go to a mall, we will be able to shop everything . Starts from household items, office equipment, baby and kid stuff, gifts until electronics and gardening purposes. Awsome… everything in one shop, all shops gather to be one.

For every family price is a consumers consideration. A smart shop will cut all distribution chain so that a cheapest and the best price will be tagged in every item they sell. How do they cut the long distribution chain? Guidance to choose is a usefull key to find an appropriate product. No one do better as this shop do.

Imagine there is a website with all advantages above. Now internet surver will find ShopWiki as an ultimate weapon, ultimate website, ultimate store. With all bathroom stuffs, cleaning machines and home maintenances. Not just two or three in one, but… all in one.

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